Danh sách tin

Special training exercises at sea

To safeguard Vietnam’s southern waters, sailors in Naval Region No 2 train vigorously to become accustomed to extreme weather conditions while completing their tasks.

Level-2 Field Hospital No 3 begins last training stage

Major General Hoang Kim Phung, Director of the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations, affirmed that all preparations have been completed and the staff of the Level-2 Field Hospital No 3 are fully capable of replacing Hospital No.2.

Special lessons in the sky

Becoming a teacher and a mentor is not the right fit for everyone, flight instructors included. Only those with passion, discipline, and dedication are encouraged to pursue such a career.

Bac Ninh strives to become centrally-run city

The congress of the Party organisation of Bac Ninh province approved a resolution on socio-economic development for 2020-2025 on September 26, which sets a target of turning the northern province of Bac Ninh into a centrally-run city.

Top legislator attends Quang Ninh Party organisation’s congress

Politburo member and National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan attended the 15th Party organisation’s congress of northern Quang Ninh province on September 26, during which she lauded efforts it has made to become one of Vietnam’s leading localities in terms of economic growth, provincial competitiveness, administrative reform and IT application.

Unceasing efforts to reduce poverty in ethnic minority areas

Poverty reduction efforts in ethnic minority areas in Binh Phuoc province have posted many important results over the years but difficulties persist. The story of Duc Hanh commune in Bu Gia Map district is common. Though fulfilling criteria as a new rural area, the commune still has 95 poor households and 112 near-poor households, of which poor ethnic minorities account for the majority.

Party leader emphasises thorough preparations for 13th National Party Congress

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong, who is also Chairman of the Subcommittee on Party documents of the 13th National Party Congress, has written an article emphasizing the need to well prepare and organise the 13th National Party Congress in order to bring the country to a new development period.

Vocational education to reach ASEAN-4 level by 2030

Vietnam is striving to have its vocational education with the same level of ASEAN-4 countries by 2030, and reach the level of G20 countries by 2045. This is the goal set out at the seminar on the development of vocational education and training strategies in the 2021-2030 period held in Hanoi on June 16.

Cavalry mobile police force makes debut

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan attended the launching ceremony and marching of the Cavalry Mobile Police Corps at Ba Dinh square, Hanoi on June 8.