Danh sách tin

Vietnam respects, ensures right to belief, religious freedom

Throughout the “Doi moi” (Renewal) process, the belief and religious life in Vietnam has changed towards greater freedom and progress, with belief and religious activities taking place vibrantly, and the right to belief and religious freedom better protected, which has been recognised by the international community.

Spokeswoman: Vietnam always respects policy on freedom of religion and belief

Vietnam always respects and consistently implements a policy of ensuring citizens’ right to freedom of religion and belief and to follow or not follow a religion, guarantees equality and non-discrimination based on religion or belief, and protects operations of religious organisations in line with the law, the Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman Le Thi Thu Hang has said.

Vietnam consistently respects, ensures right to religious freedom

Vietnam pursues a consistent policy of protecting and promoting human rights, respecting and ensuring the right to religious and belief freedom, which is clearly stipulated in the country’s Constitution and laws, and is enforced in reality, deputy spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry Dang Hung Viet said.