Danh sách tin

Vietnam not discriminate against religions in COVID-19 fight: official

Regarding the probe recently launched into “Hoi thanh truyen giao Phuc Hung” (Revival Ekklesia Mission) for “spreading dangerous infectious diseases in humans”, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Vu Chien Thang said every citizen is equal before the law, and anyone who commits violation of the law will be dealt with.

Election preparations ready for voters to go to the polls

Preparations have been completed in all constituencies nationwide for over 69 million voters to elect deputies to the 15th National Assembly (NA) and all-level People’s Councils for the 2021 - 2026 tenure on May 23.

NA approves appointment of 12 new ministers, Gov’t members

With the support of the majority of legislators, the National Assembly (NA) on April 8 morning adopted a resolution approving the Prime Minister’s proposal to appoint 12 new ministers and Government members for the 2016 – 2021 tenure.

HCM City: Meeting held to greet Protestants at Easter

The Government Committee for Religious Affairs at the Ministry of Home Affairs and authorities in HCM City hosted a meeting with local Protestant leaders on April 2 as they celebrated Easter.

Training teleconference for NA election held nationwide

The Ministry of Home Affairs held a nationwide teleconference on February 25 discussing training for the election of deputies for the 15th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 tenure, with over 27,500 delegates taking part.

Delegates give more proposals to Party Congress

Delegates to the 13th Party National Congress worked at the hall on January 28, giving more their proposals to the Congress during a discussion session chaired by Politburo member, Secretary of the Hanoi Municipal Party Committee Vuong Dinh Hue. VNA Photo