Danh sách tin

Socialism opens right path for Vietnam’s development: Russian scholar

Socialism, based on President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, has opened a right path for Vietnam and the country now has the opportunity for national development and improvement of living standards of each people and family, Chairman of the Council of Experts of the Eurasian Research Fund Grigory Trofimchuk told Vietnam News Agency's correspondents in Russia.

Experts clarify Party’s role in Vietnam’s development

Scholars and experts from Russia, France, Japan and Vietnam attended a roundtable held on May 20 to discuss the role of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) in national construction as well as the outcomes of the CPV’s 13th National Congress.

Foreign scholars have high expectations for Vietnam’s new leadership

Vietnam’s new leadership is expected to continue inheriting and building on impressive achievements made in the past tenure to carry the country forward, contributing to ensuring peace, stability and development in the region and the world, said Dr. Takashi Hosoda, an expert on Asia-Pacific from the Czech Republic’s Charles University.