Vietnam News Agency debuts special news website on elections

The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) on May 14 officially launched a special news website on the elections of deputies to the 15th National Assembly (NA) and People’s Councils at all levels in the 2021-2026 tenure, at

Addressing the event, VNA General Director Nguyen Duc Loi said VNA believes that this special website on the general elections will give readers and colleagues a panorama picture with accurate and updated information of the elections of deputies to the 15th NA and People’s Councils at all levels in the 2021-2026 tenure.

The website contains articles, photos, videos, and infographics in six languages: Vietnamese, English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. 

Users can search for information on candidates by typing their name, area of origin, age, gender, education, and place of nomination.

They can also find updates on preparations for the elections in Vietnam’s 63 cities and provinces and the election campaigns of the candidates, voter attitudes towards the elections, and election regulations./.


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