Danh sách tin

Key export sectors the target of M&As by foreign investors

Several of Vietnam’s key export sectors, such as textile-garment, leather-footwear, and electronics have become magnets for merger and acquisition (M&As) activities, posing a risk of leading enterprises in those sectors being purchased by foreign investors.

National governance, public administration improve: PAPI report

The 2020 Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index - PAPI Report on Vietnam was released on April 14, reflecting an incremental improvement in national governance and public administration performance during the 2016-2021 government term.

2021 Vietnam Expo opens in Hanoi

The 2021 Vietnam International Trade Fair (Vietnam Expo), the 30th edition of its kind, opened at the Hanoi International Exhibition Centre at 91 Tran Hung Dao Street in downtown Hanoi on April 14.

Vietnam, Brunei agree on maintaining joint committee on cooperation

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son held a phone talk with Brunei Second Minister of Foreign Affairs Dato Erywan Pehin Yusof on April 13, during which both agreed to regularly and effectively maintain the nations’ mechanism of joint committee on bilateral cooperation.

Foreign scholars have high expectations for Vietnam’s new leadership

Vietnam’s new leadership is expected to continue inheriting and building on impressive achievements made in the past tenure to carry the country forward, contributing to ensuring peace, stability and development in the region and the world, said Dr. Takashi Hosoda, an expert on Asia-Pacific from the Czech Republic’s Charles University.

Russian Ambassador impressed by Vietnam and its people

Outgoing Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Konstantin Vnukov has expressed his positive impression of Vietnam and its people and shared his assessment of the prospects for developing the partnership between the two countries in the time to come.

NA approves appointment of 12 new ministers, Gov’t members

With the support of the majority of legislators, the National Assembly (NA) on April 8 morning adopted a resolution approving the Prime Minister’s proposal to appoint 12 new ministers and Government members for the 2016 – 2021 tenure.

High logistics costs hindering exports

Despite being known for its low labour costs, higher logistics costs have continually reduced the competitiveness of Vietnam’s exports compared to elsewhere in the region.

Vietnam suggests cooperation with US in COVID-19 vaccine production

Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Ha Kim Ngoc held phone talks with Ami Bera, a Democratic congressman representing California and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Nonproliferation at the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on April 5.