Danh sách tin

Vietnamese intellectuals in Europe firmly believe in bright future for nation

Vietnamese intellectuals and students working and studying in Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg have applauded the country's achievements over the past five years under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, expressing their belief in opportunities for Vietnam’s stronger development in the future.

Vietnam: Mettle and new positioning

Despite suffering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and prolonged drought and severe floods in 2020, Vietnam promoted its great national solidarity to turn challenges into opportunities and recorded remarkable achievements in all respects. This creates a solid foundation for the country to enter the year 2021 and realise its aspiration to build a powerful nation.

Vietnamese in Laos proud of homeland’s achievements

The 13th National Party Congress is taking place in Hanoi. Overseas Vietnamese, including those in Laos, have voiced their expectations of the success of the event while expressing their pride in the country’s achievements under the Party’s leadership.

Congress to create new momentum for Vietnam: Ambassador

The success of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) will be a strong and firm political guarantee for the development of socialism in Vietnam, and provide a new driving force for the country’s socio-economic development, said Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo.

13th National Party Congress decides Vietnam’s most important tasks: German newspaper

The Unsere Zeit (Our Time) newspaper of the Communist Party of Germany (DKP) ran an article on the ongoing 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on January 29, stressing that the week-long congress discusses the most important political and economic tasks of the party and the country for the following years.

UNDP vows to accompany Vietnam in development process

Resident Representative of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Vietnam Caitlin Wiesen promised to closely coordinate with and contribute to the building and implementation of socio-economic development strategies and plans of Vietnam in a recent interview with the Vietnam News Agency.

Lao newspaper hails Vietnam’s cause of socialism building

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s 13th National Congress marks 35 years of significant achievements in the country’s Doi Moi (Renewal) process, proving that its cause of socialism building suits the actual situation in Vietnam and the development trends of the era, Lao newspaper Pasaxon said on January 29.

National Party Congress opens new era for Vietnam’s development: Russian expert

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has all elements to become an important political event in Vietnam’s history, opening a new era for the nation’s development, said Prof. Dr. Vladimir Nikolaevich Kolotov, Director of the Ho Chi Minh Institute under the Saint Petersburg State University.

People at heart of Vietnam’s developmental success: South African paper

The Diplomatic Society, a newspaper with printed and online versions popular in the diplomatic and political communities of South Africa, on January 28 published an article highly valuing 35 years of Vietnam’s innovative development under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).

Industry remains fastest growing sector over last decade: Minister

Industry was the fastest growing sector and the largest contributor to Vietnam’s export revenue over the last decade, making up roughly 30 percent of the annual GDP, Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh told the on-going 13th National Party Congress on January 28 morning.

Delegates await country’s new achievements

With the highest sense of responsibility, delegates at the 13th National Party Congress have expressed their hopes and expectations about the country’s achievements in the time to come.

Vietnam’s economic prospects highlighted in German media

German media outlets have run articles covering the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and highly evaluated the country’s anti-COVID-19 efforts and economic achievements and prospects for future development.