Danh sách tin

Food safety - From farm to fork

Sustainable development is a trend and goal in every industry. In food, the “farm-to-fork” clean agriculture model is also becoming an inexorable trend. Clean and organic food with clear origin and processed right after harvesting is increasingly popular nowadays.

Vietnam - 75 years of development and integration

Since the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was established on September 2, 1945, the country has risen from a zero-budget nation, which had to call for contributions from citizens, to a middle-income country with a dynamic economy.

Vietnam’s CPI index goes up slightly in August

As reported by the General Statistics Office, Vietnam’s consumer price index (or CPI) slightly went up 0.07 percent month-on-month in August due to the impacts of heavy rainfalls nationwide and rise in domestic rice and education service prices. The figure was down 0.12 percent from December and up 3.18 percent annually.

Top legislator makes suggestions to Hanoi’s draft political report

Chairwoman of the National Assembly (NA) Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and Secretary of Hanoi’s Party Committee Vuong Dinh Hue co-chaired a conference in Hanoi on August 1 to collect opinions of the Party Delegation to the NA to a draft political report of the municipal Party Committee’s 17th congress in the 2020-2025 tenure.

Cavalry mobile police force makes debut

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan attended the launching ceremony and marching of the Cavalry Mobile Police Corps at Ba Dinh square, Hanoi on June 8.