Danh sách tin

Overseas Vietnamese in Egypt believe in homeland’s future

Overseas Vietnamese in Egypt believe in the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and expect that the country will further prosper following the 13th National Party Congress, said Vietnamese Ambassador to Egypt Tran Thanh Cong.

Cuban diplomat appreciates CPV’s leadership

Chargé d'Affaires of the Cuban Embassy in Vietnam Irmina Perojo has stressed that under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), Vietnam reaped a great deal of successes during 35 years of renewal.

Foreign experts herald Vietnam’s enhanced stature

Vietnam’s foreign policy of multilateralisation and diversification of external relations has contributed to enhancing the country’s position in the region and the world, foreign experts said.

Vietnam records outstanding achievements during 35 years of renewal

“Doi Moi” (Renewal) policy, launched during the sixth National Party Congress in 1986, has helped Vietnam record remarkable, comprehensive and historical achievements, with a high economic growth, people’s better living conditions and stable socio-political situation, expanded foreign relations and enhanced international prestige.

CPV national congresses – glorious historical milestones

Since it was set up in 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam convened 12 national congresses, which marked important historical milestones of the country, summarising achievements as well as lessons of Vietnamese revolution and sketching out the future development orientations for the nation.

Hanoi gets facelift ahead of 13th National Party Congress

A large number of flowering plants and ornamental trees will be added to public spaces around Hanoi as the capital gears up for the 13th National Party Congress, according to Vo Nguyen Phong, Director of the municipal Department of Construction.

2020 successful for defence external affairs

2020 was an eventful year for Vietnam’s defence external affairs sector as the country successfully organised the 14th ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM) and the 7th ADMM Plus. In the context of Vietnam being ASEAN Chair in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, its successes are historic.

Commission to ensure 13th National Party Congress’s press centre runs smoothly

Ensuring smooth operations of the 13th National Party Congress’s press centre and the information provision for foreign media are among the tasks the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education has been told to fulfil between now and the time the congress takes place, in late January.

East Sea strategic to Vietnam

The East Sea is a semi-closed expanse of water abutting seven countries - Vietnam, China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and Singapore. It is not only crucial for their development but also a strategic link in several international maritime routes. The sea holds several strategic benefits that are eyed by global powers.