Danh sách tin

Fifth working day of 13th National Party Congress

The fifth working day of the 13th National Party Congress took place in Hanoi on January 30 under the chair of Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong.

Czech politician highlights CPV’s leadership role

The leadership role of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has been confirmed through the country’s socio-economic development achievements as well as its increasing prestige in the international arena, a politician of the Czech Republic has said.

Delegates, reporters, staff at National Party Congress tested for COVID-19

COVID-19 prevention and control measures at the 13th National Party Congress in Hanoi have been raised to the highest level after clusters of community coronavirus cases were detected in northern provinces after nearly two months in which the country did not record local infections.

National Party Congress continue discussions on personnel work

The 13th National Party Congress continues discussing personnel affairs during its plenary session in Hanoi on January 29. Previously, in the January 28 afternoon session, the congress discussed and voted to approve the number of Party Central Committee members being 200, including 180 official and 20 alternative members. VNA Photo

Congress votes on number of Party Central Committee members

The 13th National Party Congress discussed and voted to approve the number of Party Central Committee members being 200, at a plenary session in Hanoi on January 28, according to the press release on the working day of the congress.

Delegates give more proposals to Party Congress

Delegates to the 13th Party National Congress worked at the hall on January 28, giving more their proposals to the Congress during a discussion session chaired by Politburo member, Secretary of the Hanoi Municipal Party Committee Vuong Dinh Hue. VNA Photo

Security, defence, court officials submit proposals to Party Congress

Leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defence, and the Supreme People’s Court on January 27 stressed the importance of comprehensive reform and the building of a clean and strong public security force, a modern army, and a civilised and modern judicial sector.

Foreign experts herald Vietnam’s successes

Global media and foreign experts have expressed their high regard for Vietnam’s success in improving its prestige and touched on the major aspects of the 13th National Party Congress.

New, outstanding issues in national development orientations for next decade

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong, head of the document sub-committee, has delivered the 12th-tenure Party Central Committee’s report on documents submitted to the 13th National Party Congress, pointing out many new and outstanding issues in the orientations for the next 10 years.

Reporters pin high hopes on Vietnam’s future

Vietnam has conditions and potential to become a developed country in the future as it boasts rich resources and abundant labour, high education lever, geographical advantages connecting Asia and the world, efficient government and patriotic citizens.