Danh sách tin

Quang Ninh eyes becoming dynamic sea-based economic hub

The authorities of Quang Ninh province said the locality has outlined various solutions to expand its sea-based economy, with the focus sharpened on tourism, sea services, and coastal industries that are environmentally friendly.

Lao ambassador hails leadership role of Communist Party of Vietnam

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s sound and clear-sighted leadership has driven the national revolutionary cause as well as helped the Southeast Asian country gain an increasing position on the international area, said Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Sengphet Houngboungnuang.

1,587 delegates to attend 13th National Party Congress

Up to 1,587 delegates representing more than 5.1 million Party members nationwide will attend the 13th National Party Congress from January 25 to February 2, up nearly 80 delegates against the 12th Congress and the largest number among the 13 congresses.

Foreign experts herald Vietnam’s enhanced stature

Vietnam’s foreign policy of multilateralisation and diversification of external relations has contributed to enhancing the country’s position in the region and the world, foreign experts said.

Foreign media highlight significance of 13th National Party Congress to Vietnam

Russia’s “Multi-polar world” magazine has run an article by journalist Pavel Vinogradov highlighting the context and significance of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, which is scheduled to take place from January 25 to February 2, to socio-political life in Vietnam. ​

Newswire aseantoday.com highlights Vietnam’s marked achievements

The newswire aseantoday.com has said amid global and regional crises sparked by COVID-19, natural disasters and geopolitical changes, Vietnam has continued to show marked successes in the fight against the pandemic and in economic growth, mainly due to strong political will and drastic measures by the Government and citizens.

Aussie expert assesses how 13th National Party Congress impacts Vietnam’s future

Vietnam’s current leaders, including those to be elected by the 13th National Party Congress, want the country to play a greater role internationally and to step up proactive international integration, said Carlyle A. Thayer, an Emeritus Professor of Politics at the University of New South Wales in Australia.

13th National Party Congress – new milestone in Vietnam’s development process

The 13th National Party Congress will mark a new milestone in the development process of Vietnam and its Party, as it will shape the country’s future and propel its international integration, said Nicolas Dervaux, Representative of the Governments of the French-Speaking Community of Belgium and the Walloon Region in Vietnam.

Vietnam records outstanding achievements during 35 years of renewal

“Doi Moi” (Renewal) policy, launched during the sixth National Party Congress in 1986, has helped Vietnam record remarkable, comprehensive and historical achievements, with a high economic growth, people’s better living conditions and stable socio-political situation, expanded foreign relations and enhanced international prestige.

Party’s leadership - decisive factor in every victory

The country’s achievements have once again testified to the fact that the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) is the only organisation and force leading the revolution and the entire people to obtain glorious successes over the past 90 years.

Vietnam’s bright economic outlook in 2021

2020 is a tough year for Vietnam, yet the economy has reaped remarkable achievements. Experts have been optimistic about Vietnam’s economic growth in 2021.

Vietnamese in Australia looks forward to 13th National Party Congress

The Vietnamese community in Australia expects the upcoming 13th National Party Congress to judiciously select competent leaders to lead the country over the course of the next five years, Tran Ba Phuc, President of the Vietnam Business Association in Australia, has said.