Danh sách tin

European firms optimistic about Vietnam’s business climate

Leaders of European businesses have started 2021 with optimism about the trade and investment environment in Vietnam, according the Business Climate Index (BCI) for the first quarter of 2021 released by the European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) on April 30.

Vietnam - A safe destination for development of FDI

Foreign investors maintained their trust in Vietnam despite countless difficulties last year and the country is viewed as a safe destination for development, heard a recent forum in Hanoi.

National governance, public administration improve: PAPI report

The 2020 Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index - PAPI Report on Vietnam was released on April 14, reflecting an incremental improvement in national governance and public administration performance during the 2016-2021 government term.

German experts pin high hopes on Vietnam’s new government

German experts and scholars have appreciated Vietnam’s achievements in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and in economic recovery and development, and pinned high hopes on Vietnam’s new government during their interviews granted to the Vietnam News Agency (VNA)'s correspondents in Berlin.

“Vaccine passports” - New hope of tourism sector

Many countries worldwide have now introduced “vaccine passports” - an electronic document proving a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19. In Vietnam, the measure is expected to give a boost to the tourism sector, which has been devastated by the pandemic.

Lawmakers discuss candidacy for chairperson of National Assembly

The 14th National Assembly (NA) discussed the working reports of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuracy in the 2016-2021 tenure during a plenary sitting in Hanoi on March 30 morning as part of its ongoing 11th session.

Index for administrative procedure compliance costs in 2020 released

An annual report on the index for administrative procedure compliance costs in 2020 (APCI 2020) was released at a press conference on March 17 chaired by Minister and Chairman of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung, who is also Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Advisory Council for Administrative Procedure Reform.

VFF to conduct inspection and supervision over elections in localities

The first phase of supervision and inspection over the upcoming elections of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels in the 2021-2026 term will be implemented from March 15 to April 13 with five inspection teams, each covering three provinces and centrally-run cities and one district in each locality.