Danh sách tin

Personnel work a major task of Party

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has paid special attention to carrying out personnel work in conformity with specific conditions and the requirements of the revolutionary cause.

Party Central Committee convenes 15th plenum

The 12th Party Central Committee convened its 15th plenum in Hanoi on January 16 under the chair of Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong.

CPV national congresses – glorious historical milestones

Since it was set up in 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam convened 12 national congresses, which marked important historical milestones of the country, summarising achievements as well as lessons of Vietnamese revolution and sketching out the future development orientations for the nation.

Gov’t issues new rules on foreign workers in Vietnam

The Government recently issued Decree No. 152 featuring regulations on foreigners working in Vietnam and the recruitment and management of Vietnamese working for foreign organisations and individuals in the country.

Commission to ensure 13th National Party Congress’s press centre runs smoothly

Ensuring smooth operations of the 13th National Party Congress’s press centre and the information provision for foreign media are among the tasks the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education has been told to fulfil between now and the time the congress takes place, in late January.

Vietnam external relations in 2020: mettle and new posture

Vietnam’s diplomatic sector overcame numerous challenges throughout 2020 to create, grasp and optimise new cooperation opportunities, thus contributing to the country’s progress towards development, stated Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.

Government Office urged to better consulting role

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on December 25 urged the Government Office to better its consulting role to the PM and the Government, firstly in preparations for the 13th National Party Congress.

Central Theoretical Council meets in Hanoi

Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Theoretical Council has completed a pile of work in 2020, heard a meeting in Hanoi on December 25.

Party Central Committee reaches high consensus on personnel work

The 12th-tenure Party Central Committee (PCC) reached high consensus on personnel work related to the 13th tenure Politburo and PCC Secretariat during the 14th session, which concluded on December 18 morning after nearly five working days, two days ahead of schedule.

Party Central Committee convenes 14th session

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong has required the Party Central Committee to make sharp arguments to dismiss wrongful opinions that run counter to the Party’s basic viewpoint and guidelines during the process to finalise documents of the upcoming 13th National Party Congress.

Truong Sa, Hoang Sa archipelagos through ancient bibliographies

The Vietnamese people have left their footprints on the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) islands since ancient times. Historical evidence proves the country’s sovereignty over the two archipelagos, especially through ancient bibliographies.