Danh sách tin

Vietnam, France bolster defence cooperation

Vietnam and France have enjoyed positive strides in their relations, especially in defence, over the years, thereby strengthening the strategic partnership, Minister of Defence Sen. Lt. Gen. Phan Van Giang has said.

International media spotlight Vietnam’s general elections

Foreign news agencies and media outlets on May 23 ran articles highlighting Vietnam’s elections of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and all-level People’s Councils for the 2021-2026 term, which were declared to be a success despite complex developments of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Votes of will, aspiration and citizenship

At polling stations, voters are divided into different groups based on their residence areas to avoid large gatherings and spread of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Early elections held in remote areas of Binh Dinh province

Local residents in three mountainous communes in Van Canh and Vinh Thanh districts of the south central province of Binh Dinh have finished their early elections to choose deputies to the 15th National Assembly (NA) and People’s Councils at all levels on May 22, one day of the scheduled day.

Vietnamese show stronger interest in legislative body: UNDP representative

Vietnamese people are showing stronger interest in the National Assembly and issues related to the powerful agency, reflected by their high level of engagement in preparations for the upcoming elections of deputies to the 15th NA and People’s Councils at all levels in the 2021-2026 tenure, UNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam Caitlin Wiesen has said.

Vietnam’s national elections highlighted in German newspaper

Germany’s Junge Welt (Young People) newspaper ran an article on May 21 spotlighting the upcoming elections of deputies to the 15th National Assembly (NA) and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 tenure and the important contributions by the legislature to the country’s economic development over recent years.

Nhan Dan Newspaper has new Editor-in-Chief

Le Quoc Minh, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy General Director of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), has been appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper.

Vietnam attends IPU's virtual meeting on peace, security issues

Vietnam lauds efforts of the international community, including the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), in raising awareness and actions of parliaments, governments and people about peace and security issues caused by climate change, said permanent member of the Vietnamese National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations Le Thu Ha.

Exhibition on NA election opens in Hai Duong

An exhibition entitled “Elections of the National Assembly and all-level People’s Councils” is taking place at the provincial museum in the northern province of Hai Duong.

PM holds working session with Ho Chi Minh City officials

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh held a working session with key officials of Ho Chi Minh City on May 13, his first meeting of the kind with a locality after taking up the top position in the Government, which demonstrated the special importance that the PM and the Government attach to the southern hub.