Danh sách tin

Vietnam gains breakthrough diplomatic success as UNSC member: official

In 2020, Vietnam secured breakthrough success in diplomacy despite adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Hoai Trung affirmed in a recent article reviewing the first year of the country’s non-permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

Diplomats, scholars look forward to Party Congress

The 13th Party National Congress is underway in Hanoi. It will define development orientations for 2021 – 2025. Foreign diplomats, scholars and friends expressed their belief the congress will continue to set out right directions helping Vietnam become more prosperous.

Egypt's newspapers highlight Vietnam’s achievements

Egyptian newspapers have published articles lauding Vietnam’s outstanding accomplishments in recent years, especially as the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) is on the horizon.

German research institutes hail Vietnam’s achievements

Major German research institutes and foundations have spoken highly of Vietnam's efforts in fighting COVID-19 and boosting economic development on the threshold of the 13th National Party Congress, and highlighted priorities of the country’s leaders in the next five years.

11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform

The 11th National Party Congress took place from Jan. 12-19, 2011 in Hanoi. It discussed and adopted the platform of national construction during the transitional period towards socialism (supplemented and developed in 2011), the 2011-2020 socio-economic development strategy, the report of the 10th Party Cefntral Committee, the Party Statute (supplemented and revised) and many important documents.