Danh sách tin

Commission to ensure 13th National Party Congress’s press centre runs smoothly

Ensuring smooth operations of the 13th National Party Congress’s press centre and the information provision for foreign media are among the tasks the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education has been told to fulfil between now and the time the congress takes place, in late January.

East Sea strategic to Vietnam

The East Sea is a semi-closed expanse of water abutting seven countries - Vietnam, China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and Singapore. It is not only crucial for their development but also a strategic link in several international maritime routes. The sea holds several strategic benefits that are eyed by global powers.

Vietnam external relations in 2020: mettle and new posture

Vietnam’s diplomatic sector overcame numerous challenges throughout 2020 to create, grasp and optimise new cooperation opportunities, thus contributing to the country’s progress towards development, stated Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.

2020 - A year for Vietnam to assert mettle, stature

Foreign media view 2020 as a truly special year for Vietnam as the country has not only performed the dual role of ASEAN Chair and a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC) but also done a good job of concurrently containing COVID-19 and sustaining economic growth.

External information service contributes to national development, defence

The Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education has presented certificates of merit to 30 collectives, including the World News Department of the Vietnam News Agency, and 16 individuals for their outstanding performance in the external information service and communications about seas, islands, and land border.

Russian news agency reviews Vietnam’s major achievements in 2020

The Sputnik news agency of Russia recently published an article that reviewed commentaries on Vietnam posted by Russian and other countries’ press outlets, reflecting Vietnam’s COVID-19 combat and achievements in different areas, especially diplomacy and economy.

Government Office urged to better consulting role

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on December 25 urged the Government Office to better its consulting role to the PM and the Government, firstly in preparations for the 13th National Party Congress.