Danh sách tin

Top leader’s greetings on the Year of the Buffalo

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong sent his best wishes to the entire nation and the community of overseas Vietnamese at the sacred moment when the Year of the Buffalo began.

Top leader: Turn opportunities into reality to build prosperous, happy Vietnam

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong has emphasised the necessity for the entire Party, people, and army to unite, promote patriotism and Vietnamese mettle and wisdom, strive to overcome all challenges and difficulties, and turn opportunities into reality to build a more prosperous and happier Vietnam.

Argentine media praises success of 13th Party Congress

The website radionacional.com.ar of Argentina on February 2 run an article titled “Vietnam builds its future”, spotlighting the success of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and economic achievements of the country made after 35 years of its Doi Moi (renewal) process.

Vietnam’s economic achievements surprise the world

“Legendary story”, “Rising star”, and “Asia’s brightest economy” count among the praise from international organisations in relation to Vietnam’s economic development over recent years.

13th Party Central Committee makes debut

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) ended on a high note at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi on February 1.

Biography of Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of 13th Party Central Committee

On February 1, at the closing session of the 13th National Party Congress, the congress’s Presidium announced the results of the election of the Politburo, the Party General Secretary, the Secretariat, the Inspection Commission, and the head of the Inspection Commission of the 13th Party Central Committee.

Vietnam: Mettle and new positioning

Despite suffering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and prolonged drought and severe floods in 2020, Vietnam promoted its great national solidarity to turn challenges into opportunities and recorded remarkable achievements in all respects. This creates a solid foundation for the country to enter the year 2021 and realise its aspiration to build a powerful nation.

Embassy establishes itself as useful link between Vietnam and African friends

For the time ahead, the Vietnamese Embassy in Algeria, which is also in charge of Senegal, Mali, Niger, and the Western Sahara, is set to continue performing well its role as a bridge linking Vietnam and African nations and disseminating the Party and State’s guidelines and policies to Vietnamese expatriates there, said Ambassador Nguyen Thanh Vinh.