Danh sách tin

Congratulatory messages show solidarity, friendship, cooperation with Vietnam

A large number of parties, organisations, diplomatic delegations, and friends around the world have extended congratulatory messages to the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), expressing their solidarity, friendship, and cooperation with the Vietnamese Party, State and people.

Party Congress – key to future: Venezuelan diplomat

Venezuelan Ambassador to Vietnam Tatiana Josefina Pugh Moreno has praised the sound leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) over the past 91 years, while emphasising the significance of the 13th National Party Congress to the future of Vietnam.

13th National Party Congress: Delegates talk social progress, equality

Ensuring social progress, equality, and welfare, and building a Vietnamese citizenry with characteristics that meet the requirements of the new era are the tasks set for the Ministries of Labour, Invalids and Social affairs, and Culture, Sports and Tourism in the time ahead.

Czech parliamentarian believes CPV to lead Vietnam to new successes

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) will lead Vietnam to new successes, with the successful organisation of the 13th National Party Congress and the approval of orientations for a new period, said Leo Luzar, President of the Czech Republic-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group.

Vietnamese pin high hopes on National Party Congress

The 13th National Party Congress, which is taking place in Hanoi, is of great significance to socio-political life in Vietnam. As the gathering is now underway, many people have expressed their hopes and expectations over the congress’s outcomes.

Indian e-newspaper highlights Vietnam’s role in region

India’s e-newspaper Times of India on January 26 ran an article about the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, spotlighting Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s speech at the congress opening.

CPV attentive to people’s needs: German expert

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has met the legitimate needs and aspirations of the people, hence the nation’s rapid and comprehensive developments in recent decades, said Associate Professor Martin Grossheim, an expert on Asian history at the Seoul National University’s College of Humanities.

Experts forecast Vietnam’s development path

On the occasion of the ongoing 13th National Party Congress, several experts have made assessments and forecasts on the forthcoming development path of Vietnam.