Danh sách tin

Czech parliamentarian believes CPV to lead Vietnam to new successes

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) will lead Vietnam to new successes, with the successful organisation of the 13th National Party Congress and the approval of orientations for a new period, said Leo Luzar, President of the Czech Republic-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group.

Czech media spotlights Vietnam’s rising position, achievements

Media reports in the Czech Republic have highlighted Vietnam’s rising position and recent development achievements, as well as the flourishing development of the traditional friendship between the two countries, on the occasion of the ongoing 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).

Overseas Vietnamese in Egypt believe in homeland’s future

Overseas Vietnamese in Egypt believe in the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and expect that the country will further prosper following the 13th National Party Congress, said Vietnamese Ambassador to Egypt Tran Thanh Cong.

Vietnamese in Australia looks forward to 13th National Party Congress

The Vietnamese community in Australia expects the upcoming 13th National Party Congress to judiciously select competent leaders to lead the country over the course of the next five years, Tran Ba Phuc, President of the Vietnam Business Association in Australia, has said.