Danh sách tin

Vietnam prioritises special solidarity with Laos: official

In Vietnam's persistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateraliastion and diversification of external relations, the Vietnamese Party and State always give top priority to the special solidarity with Laos, Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung has said.

Vietnam affirms international position via role in UNSC

It is an honour and great responsibility for Vietnam when the country assumes the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council (UNSC) this month, the second time during its tenure as a non-permanent member of the UNSC (2020-2021).

Vietnam vows to best fulfil role as UNSC Presidency in April

Vietnam will strive to outstandingly perform its role as the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) President in April, significantly contributing to realising the foreign policy set by the 13th National Party Congress.

Vietnam aims to create own imprints as UNSC Chair

Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnamese delegation to the UN, said Vietnam is looking to leave its imprints as the Chair of the United Nations Security Council in April through the Chair’s statements and resolutions built by Vietnam and other council member countries.

German newspaper highlights Vietnamese market’s prospects

German’s DVZ e-newspaper has run a story by Claudius Semmann highlighting Vietnam’s success in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic and secure economic development, maintaining its bright outlook amid the global crisis.

Da Nang targets being int’l sea urban area

According to Da Nang’s adjusted planning by 2030 and a vision to 2045, a number of large-scale projects are to be built in the central coastal city. These are expected to turn it into a coastal urban area that plays a role as a growth driver in the central region.

Foreign parliament leaders congratulate new NA Chairman

Leaders of the parliaments of Laos, China and Japan on March 31 sent congratulatory letters to newly-elected Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) and the National Election Council (NEC) Vuong Dinh Hue.

Q1 exports rise as Vietnam takes advantage of FTAs: Official

Vietnam has been making good use of advantages of the international economic integration process, helping to increase the country’s exports by 22 percent year-on-year and imports by 26 percent in the first quarter of 2021, said Tran Thanh Hai, Deputy Director of the Agency of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Top leader vows utmost efforts if elected to 15th NA

A meeting was held at the headquarters of the Communist Review in Hanoi on March 30 to collect local voters’ opinions about Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong, who is nominated to represent the capital in the 15th National Assembly (NA).

GDP growth in Q1 estimated at 4.48%

Vietnam’s economic growth in the first quarter is estimated at 4.48%, higher than the 3.68% posted in the first quarter of last year. However, there is still much to be done to reach the annual target of 6.5%, according to insiders.

Vietnam to promote regional organisations’ role in settling disputes

Promoting the role of regional organisations in settling disputes is one of the three priorities that Vietnam has set for the month it serves as chairman of the UN Security Council (UNSC) in April, said Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Department of International Organisations Do Hung Viet.

New perceptions, mindset about Vietnam’s national defence

The new perceptions and mindset about Vietnam’s national defence were presented by Sen. Lt. Gen. Phan Van Giang, member of Politburo, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, and Deputy Minister of National Defence, at a teleconference on March 28.

60th anniversary of Vietnam – Morocco diplomatic ties

Vietnam and Morocco celebrated the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations on March 27. This is an opportunity for the two countries to review their cooperation achievements, opening up a new chapter in bilateral ties in the future.