Danh sách tin

Vietnam stands for election to UNHRC in 2023-2025 tenure

Vietnam is running for election to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in the 2023-2025 tenure with a hope to contribute more to the world’s joint efforts to promote and protect human rights.

Party Central Committee Office nominates five candidates for 15th NA election

An online conference of voters working at the Party Central Committee’s Office on March 11 approved with high consensus the nomination of Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong and four other officials as candidates for the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly.

Vietnam successfully fulfills role as ASOSAI chair

Talking to the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), Auditor General Ho Duc Phoc highlighted the efforts made by the State Audit Office of Vietnam as the Chair of the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions to lead the 14th ASOSAI Assembly to adopt the Hanoi Declaration with a meaningful message of “Environmental Audit for Sustainable Development” in 2018.

Party Central Committee's second plenum concludes

The second plenary meeting of the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee concluded in Hanoi on March 9 morning after nearly two days of working, completing all of the set agenda items.

Party Central Committee wraps up second plenum

The second plenary meeting of the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee concluded in Hanoi on March 9 morning after nearly two days of working, completing all of the set agenda items.

13th PCC’s second plenum considers candidates for leading positions

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong on March 8 told the 13th Party Central Committee’s second plenum that the Politburo will seek the committee’s decision on the candidates for the posts of State President, Prime Minister and National Assembly Chairperson at this plenum.

Ukrainian President hails Vietnam socio-economic, integration achievements

Vietnamese Ambassador to Ukraine Nguyen Hong Thach has presented his credentials to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky who lauded Vietnam’s achievements in the “Doi Moi” (Renewal) cause as well as economic development, international and regional integration and improvement of locals’ living conditions.

Top leader continues to receive congratulations

Leaders of parties and international friends have continued to cable their messages of congratulations to Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong on his re-election as the General Secretary of the 13th Party Central Committee.

Politburo holds meeting with former Party officials

The Politburo and the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat hosted a gathering in Hanoi on February 27 with former members of the 12th Politburo, the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and Party Central Committee.