Danh sách tin

Tuyen Quang advised to pay greater attention to forest economy

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has lauded Tuyen Quang’s achievements in recording highest forest coverage ratio among localities nationwide at 65 percent, suggesting the province to consider forestry as a major economic development orientation to escape from poverty.

Top leader welcomes Chinese Minister of Public Security

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong hosted a reception in Hanoi on February 19 for Chinese State Councillor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi, who is on a Vietnam visit to chair the seventh meeting on crime prevention and control between the two Ministries of Public Security.

Top leaders of Vietnam, Cuba hold phone talk

The Vietnamese Party, State, and people always treasure the solidarity and whole-hearted support, both spiritually and materially, that Cuba has given to Vietnam during the struggle for national liberation as well as the cause of national construction and defence over the past six decades and more.

Top leader: Turn opportunities into reality to build prosperous, happy Vietnam

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong has emphasised the necessity for the entire Party, people, and army to unite, promote patriotism and Vietnamese mettle and wisdom, strive to overcome all challenges and difficulties, and turn opportunities into reality to build a more prosperous and happier Vietnam.

Top Vietnamese, Chinese leaders hold phone talks

Vietnamese Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong has proposed Vietnam and China further intensify cooperation, overcome all difficulties and challenges, and promote the bilateral traditional friendship between the two Parties, nations and their people to obtain greater achievements in the new period for the interests of their people and for peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Australian expert expects Vietnam to rise to meet regional challenges

The Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) on February 5 published an article written by Kyle Springer, a Senior Analyst at the Perth USAsia Centre, saying that the outcomes of the freshly-ended 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam suggest continuity in leadership and policy.

Cuban researcher hails outcomes of Vietnam’s National Party Congress

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s 13th National Congress was a milestone and turning point, laying the premise for the following terms and ensuring that Vietnam will fulfill the national development goals toward 2030 and its vision to 2045, said Ruvislei González Sáez, an expert on Asian studies at the Cuban international policy research centre.

Foreign leaders congratulate Nguyen Phu Trong on re-election

International party and state leaders have sent their warmest congratulations to Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong on his re-election as the leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee for the 13th tenure.

CPP President highlights CPV’s leadership role

The Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) Central Committee on late February 3 issued a press release on the phone talks earlier the same day between CPP President and Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Sen and General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and State President Nguyen Phu Trong.