Danh sách tin

Egypt's newspapers highlight Vietnam’s achievements

Egyptian newspapers have published articles lauding Vietnam’s outstanding accomplishments in recent years, especially as the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) is on the horizon.

11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform

The 11th National Party Congress took place from Jan. 12-19, 2011 in Hanoi. It discussed and adopted the platform of national construction during the transitional period towards socialism (supplemented and developed in 2011), the 2011-2020 socio-economic development strategy, the report of the 10th Party Cefntral Committee, the Party Statute (supplemented and revised) and many important documents.

Hanoi ready for 13th National Party Congress

The 13th National Party Congress is scheduled to take place in Hanoi from January 25 to February 2. To prepare for this key event, the entire political system in the city has been actively and comprehensively taking part in preparations.

Necessary conditions ready for 13th National Party Congress

All necessary conditions are ready for successfully organising the 13th National Party Congress which will place in Hanoi from January 25 to February 2, Nguyen Dac Vinh, Deputy Chief of the Office of the Party Central Committee, told Vietnam News Agency on January 22.

1,587 delegates to attend 13th National Party Congress

Up to 1,587 delegates representing more than 5.1 million Party members nationwide will attend the 13th National Party Congress from January 25 to February 2, up nearly 80 delegates against the 12th Congress and the largest number among the 13 congresses.

13th National Party Congress press centre opens

The Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education opened a press centre serving the upcoming 13th National Party Congress at a ceremony in Hanoi on January 22.

Photo exhibition held to celebrate 13th National Party Congress

A photo exhibition was opened on January 22 at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi by the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education and the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) in celebration of the 13th National Party Congress.