Danh sách tin

Congress conducts voting on 13th tenure Party Central Committee members

Delegates casted ballots to elect 13th tenure Party Central Committee in the afternoon of January 30, the fifth working day of the 13th National Party Congress, which took place in Hanoi under the chair of Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong. VNA Photo

Fifth working day of 13th National Party Congress

The fifth working day of the 13th National Party Congress took place in Hanoi on January 30 under the chair of Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong.

Congratulations keep coming in to National Party Congress

Messages and letters of congratulations from political parties, international organisations and friends across continents keep coming in to the ongoing 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).

Deputy FM stresses better support for OVs

The Party and State will double their efforts to provide better support and assistance for overseas Vietnamese (OVs) in the years to come, according to Deputy Foreign Minister Dang Minh Khoi.

Lao newspaper hails Vietnam’s cause of socialism building

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s 13th National Congress marks 35 years of significant achievements in the country’s Doi Moi (Renewal) process, proving that its cause of socialism building suits the actual situation in Vietnam and the development trends of the era, Lao newspaper Pasaxon said on January 29.

National Party Congress continue discussions on personnel work

The 13th National Party Congress continues discussing personnel affairs during its plenary session in Hanoi on January 29. Previously, in the January 28 afternoon session, the congress discussed and voted to approve the number of Party Central Committee members being 200, including 180 official and 20 alternative members. VNA Photo

National Party Congress opens new era for Vietnam’s development: Russian expert

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has all elements to become an important political event in Vietnam’s history, opening a new era for the nation’s development, said Prof. Dr. Vladimir Nikolaevich Kolotov, Director of the Ho Chi Minh Institute under the Saint Petersburg State University.

Vietnam’s economic prospects highlighted in German media

German media outlets have run articles covering the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and highly evaluated the country’s anti-COVID-19 efforts and economic achievements and prospects for future development.

New, outstanding issues in national development orientations for next decade

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong, head of the document sub-committee, has delivered the 12th-tenure Party Central Committee’s report on documents submitted to the 13th National Party Congress, pointing out many new and outstanding issues in the orientations for the next 10 years.

National Party Congress opens in Hanoi

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) officially opened in Hanoi on January 26, with the participation of 1,587 delegates representing more than 5.1 million Party members nationwide.