Danh sách tin

11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform

The 11th National Party Congress took place from Jan. 12-19, 2011 in Hanoi. It discussed and adopted the platform of national construction during the transitional period towards socialism (supplemented and developed in 2011), the 2011-2020 socio-economic development strategy, the report of the 10th Party Cefntral Committee, the Party Statute (supplemented and revised) and many important documents.

Foreign experts herald Vietnam’s enhanced stature

Vietnam’s foreign policy of multilateralisation and diversification of external relations has contributed to enhancing the country’s position in the region and the world, foreign experts said.

Fifth Party Congress: For happiness of people

The Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam was held from March 27-31, 1982 in Hanoi. The Congress reviewed the victories that the Party and people have won in the cause of building and defending the Fatherland since 1975.

13th National Party Congress – new milestone in Vietnam’s development process

The 13th National Party Congress will mark a new milestone in the development process of Vietnam and its Party, as it will shape the country’s future and propel its international integration, said Nicolas Dervaux, Representative of the Governments of the French-Speaking Community of Belgium and the Walloon Region in Vietnam.

Singaporean scholar impressed by Vietnam’s successes

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), Vietnam has become one of the most impressive, optimistic and successful countries, a Singaporean scholar has said. In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency (VNA)’s reporters in Singapore, Associate Prof. Bilveer Singh, deputy head of the Department of Political Science at the National University of Singapore, highlighted the country’s outstanding political stability.

Vietnam to remain at centre of Asian supply chains: EIU

Vietnam will remain at the centre of Asian supply chains and one of the most competitive manufacturing locations in the Asia-Pacific region, said analysts at the Economist Intelligence Unit in a report on the country released on January 13.

IMF hails Vietnam’s COVID-19 prevention efforts

Vietnam has shown that there is indeed an effective way to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, even in the absence of a vaccine that can allow an economy to recover, according to Helge Berger, Assistant Director of the Asia & Pacific Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Hai Van Tunnel 2 - Pride of Vietnam’s construction sector

One of the country’s key traffic projects, the Hai Van Tunnel 2 completed after 45 months of construction. The project is considered a highlight for Vietnam’s construction sector as it is the longest road tunnel in Southeast Asia and was built completely by domestic workers and engineers.

Vietnam – economic bright spot in 2020

Vietnam has emerged as an economic bright spot with a growth rate of 2.91 percent in 2020, which is attributable to the country’s efforts in containing COVID-19 and timely support policies to people and businesses, international organisations said.

Vietnam external relations in 2020: mettle and new posture

Vietnam’s diplomatic sector overcame numerous challenges throughout 2020 to create, grasp and optimise new cooperation opportunities, thus contributing to the country’s progress towards development, stated Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.