Danh sách tin

Aquatic product exports to US surge

The export of aquatic products to the United States posted a sharp growth in the past three months despite the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy.

Vietnamese “blue beret” soldiers with aspirations for world peace

“Let us live in peace and love. Let us forget the last things”. These words are written on a blackboard at a school in Bentiu town in South Sudan. Just a few words, but they leave a strong impression. They reflect a desire to live in peace, with stability and development, by not only children but all people of South Sudan.

Japanese media spotlight Vietnamese NA election

The Japanese media on May 22-23 spotlighted the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly in Vietnam, especially at a time when the Southeast Asian country is battling with the resurgence of COVID-19 since late April.

Sacred national flag on Truong Sa archipelago

The fluttering sacred national flag is a motivation for soldiers stationed on remote islands to firmly safeguard the country’s sea and islands and territorial integrity.

German media laud Vietnam’s pandemic efforts and stock market potential

German financial newspaper Finanznachrichten ran an article on May 19 covering the upcoming election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 tenure as well as the COVID-19 situation in Vietnam, expressing a belief that the country is controlling its latest outbreak.

Vietnam’s influence in ASEAN meetings in 2021: The Times of India

Vietnam, which held the chair of ASEAN in 2020, had set the agenda for future chairpersons of ASEAN, not only for 2021 but also for the next several years, said an assessment recently published by The Times of India, an Indian-based Indian English-language daily newspaper and digital news media.