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13th National Party Congress makes headlines around Asia

The results of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), with Nguyen Phu Trong re-elected as General Secretary of the 13th Party Central Committee, have made headlines around Asia.

13th National Party Congress adopts resolution

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam wrapped up on February 1 morning after eight working days, with its resolution adopted at the closing session.

Party General Secretary hosts press briefing on congress's success

General Secretary of the 13th Party Central Committee, State President Nguyen Phu Trong held a press conference in Hanoi on February 1 to announce the 13th Party National Congress's results. The congress, held from January 25 to February 1, saw the participation of 1,587 delegates representing more than 5 million Party members nationwide. VNA Photo

13th Party Central Committee makes debut

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) ended on a high note at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi on February 1.

Biography of Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of 13th Party Central Committee

On February 1, at the closing session of the 13th National Party Congress, the congress’s Presidium announced the results of the election of the Politburo, the Party General Secretary, the Secretariat, the Inspection Commission, and the head of the Inspection Commission of the 13th Party Central Committee.

National Party Congress closes

The 13th National Party Congress closed at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi on February 1 after a week of working. Nguyen Phu Trong was re-elected as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee in the 13th tenure. VNA Photo

13th Party Central Committee convenes first plenum

The 13th Party Central Committee convened its first plenum in Hanoi on January 31 to elect the Politburo, the Party General Secretary, the Secretariat, the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission, and its Chairsperson. General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam Nguyen Phu Trong has been re-elected for his third term.VNA Photo

Voting results on new Party Central Committee announced

The Vote Counting Committee in the evening of January 30 announced the list of the 200 elected to the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee, including 180 full and 20 alternate members. January 30 was the fifth working day of the 13th National Party Congress, which took place in Hanoi under the chair of Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong. VNA Photo

Vietnam: Mettle and new positioning

Despite suffering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and prolonged drought and severe floods in 2020, Vietnam promoted its great national solidarity to turn challenges into opportunities and recorded remarkable achievements in all respects. This creates a solid foundation for the country to enter the year 2021 and realise its aspiration to build a powerful nation.

Congress conducts voting on 13th tenure Party Central Committee members

Delegates casted ballots to elect 13th tenure Party Central Committee in the afternoon of January 30, the fifth working day of the 13th National Party Congress, which took place in Hanoi under the chair of Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong. VNA Photo

Party Congress delegates enter fifth working day

Delegates to the 13th Party National Congress entered their fifth working day at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi on January 30. A total of 1,587 delegates representing more than 5 million Party members nationwide are attending the 13th National Party Congress, which is being held from January 25 to February 2. VNA Photo

UNDP vows to accompany Vietnam in development process

Resident Representative of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Vietnam Caitlin Wiesen promised to closely coordinate with and contribute to the building and implementation of socio-economic development strategies and plans of Vietnam in a recent interview with the Vietnam News Agency.

Forces asked to maintain absolute security, safety for Party Congress

General To Lam, Politburo member and Minister of Public Security asked relevant forces to press on with ensuring security and remain ready to take action to maintain absolute security and safety for the 13th National Party Congress and to meet anti-COVID-19 requirements. General To Lam inspected readiness to guarantee security at the congress at the ministry’s command centre in the National Convention Centre, the congress’s venue, in Hanoi on January 29. VNA Photo

VNA's photo exhibition lures delegates to Congress

A photo exhibition, held at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi by the Vietnam News Agency in celebration of the 13th National Party Congress, has attracted the attention of delegates to the congress.

South African paper praises Vietnam’s comprehensive, modern diplomacy

South Africa’s Pretoria News on January 29 ran an article entitled “Historic milestone for Vietnam” by its Editor-in-Chief Valerie Boje, highlighting the success of the comprehensive and modern diplomacy of Vietnam with focus on the three pillars of Party diplomacy, State diplomacy and people-to-people diplomacy.

National Party Congress continue discussions on personnel work

The 13th National Party Congress continues discussing personnel affairs during its plenary session in Hanoi on January 29. Previously, in the January 28 afternoon session, the congress discussed and voted to approve the number of Party Central Committee members being 200, including 180 official and 20 alternative members. VNA Photo