Danh sách tin

WUS President highlights Vietnam's increasing role

President of the World University Service (WUS) Kambiz Ghawami has highlighted Vietnam’s increasing role in the world as well as cooperation between Vietnam and Germany during a recent interview with the Vietnam News Agency’s correspondents in Germany.

Role of female NA deputies discussed

To raise the rate of female deputies to the National Assembly (NA) and all-level People’s Councils requires strong, synchronous, and effective solutions as well as political resolve and efforts from female candidates, a meeting in central Da Nang city on April 12 heard.

Do Van Chien named President of VFF Central Committee

Do Van Chien, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the Party Delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF), has been assigned as President of the VFF Central Committee for the ninth tenure (2019-2024).

Vietnam and UNSC: From participant to partner for sustainable peace

Vietnam for the second time assumed the role of rotating President of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the 2020-2021 tenure this month, thus making a new and important imprint in the process of transforming from a participant to an active and proactive UN member.

Vietnam’s GDP projected to expand 6.5 percent in 2021: IMF

Vietnam’s economy is set to grow at 6.5 percent this year, higher than the global average of 6 percent, as it shrugs off the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic, according to the lastest world economic outlook published by the International Monetary Fund on April 7.

Vietnam’s GDP projected to expand 6.5 percent in 2021: IMF

Vietnam’s economy is set to grow at 6.5 percent this year, higher than the global average of 6 percent, as it shrugs off the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic, according to the lastest world economic outlook published by the International Monetary Fund on April 7.

14th NA fulfill final session's agenda with important contents

The 14th National Assembly has completed its final session's agenda with many important contents on reviewing the tenure's work, building laws and handling personnel matters, Vice Chairman of the NA Office Vu Minh Tuan said at a press conference in Hanoi on April 8 announcing the results of the 14th NA’s 11th session.

NA approves appointment of 12 new ministers, Gov’t members

With the support of the majority of legislators, the National Assembly (NA) on April 8 morning adopted a resolution approving the Prime Minister’s proposal to appoint 12 new ministers and Government members for the 2016 – 2021 tenure.