Danh sách tin

National Party Congress opens in Hanoi

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) officially opened in Hanoi on January 26, with the participation of 1,587 delegates representing more than 5.1 million Party members nationwide.

13th National Party Congress is to open today

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) is to officially open in Hanoi in the morning of January 26, with the participation of 1,587 delegates representing more than 5.1 million Party members nationwide.

13th National Party Congress: Meticulous preparation of draft documents

One of the decisive points in the success of the ongoing National Party Congress is the preparation of relevant documents, since they outline the Party’s directions and decisions for the country’s development. The draft documents submitted to the 13th Congress were meticulously prepared, manifesting the intelligence and enthusiasm of the entire Party and the people.

12th Party Central Committee 's 15th plenum concludes

12th Party Central Committee 's 15th plenum concluded on January 17. Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong delivered a speech at the closing ceremony of the Party Central Committee’s 15th plenum.

Party Central Committee's 15th plenum focuses on personnel work

The 15th plenum of the 12th-tenure Party Central Committee opened in Hanoi on January 16. It will continue to finalise personnel matters in connection with the Party Central Committee, the Politburo and the Secretariat, as well as key leading positions in the 13th tenure.

Party Central Committee’s 15th plenum focuses on personnel work

The 15th plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee, which was convened in Hanoi on January 16, will continue to finalise personnel matters in connection with the Party Central Committee, the Politburo and the Secretariat, as well as key leading positions in the 13th tenure.

Party Central Committee convenes 15th plenum

The 12th Party Central Committee convened its 15th plenum in Hanoi on January 16 under the chair of Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong.

People happy for outcomes of Party Central Committee’s 14th session

The 12th-tenure Party Central Committee reached high consensus on personnel work related to the 13th tenure Politburo and Party Central Committee Secretariat during the 14th session, which concluded on December 18 morning after nearly five working days, two days ahead of schedule.

Party Central Committee convenes 14th session

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong has required the Party Central Committee to make sharp arguments to dismiss wrongful opinions that run counter to the Party’s basic viewpoint and guidelines during the process to finalise documents of the upcoming 13th National Party Congress.